About Leah Boepple, PhD

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Hello and welcome! I consider myself a generalist, meaning I feel comfortable treating a wide range of concerns, such as anxiety and depression. In addition, I specialize in:

  • Body image, disordered eating, and weight management 
  • Chronic health concerns, such as cancer or chronic pain, and/or stress associated with caring for someone with a chronic health condition
  • Grief and loss
  • Life transitions

I practice primarily with adults seeking individual therapy. My clinical approach is founded in evidence-based care, which means that I prefer to use therapeutic techniques that have scientific evidence suggesting that they work.  

I completed my PhD in clinical psychology at the University of South Florida, and my undergraduate work in psychology at the University of Michigan. Following graduate school, I completed a fellowship at the Medical University of South Carolina. Please see the below link for my scientific publications within the field:


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